Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Hello all,
Thought I should do some updating so you all know what all four of us are up to. For starters we are all doing great! Jordan is a freshman this year and has her first real boyfriend. She really likes him and is having a ball at her homecomings and ball games. She is also playing volleyball again this year. She made the all freshman team. She is also doing well in school as usual. Hannah is doing cross country again this year and is a sixth grader now. She is doing great in cross country. Her times are going down every meet she runs in. She is also doing great in school as usual. She is even in an advanced math class this year! Both girls are so smart! Mark is working and helping me around the house as normal. He is such a great husband! I really appreciate all he does to help me out. Lastly, I am doing great and trying hard to get A's again this semester. So far I don't have much for grades so we will have to wait a bit longer to see what they are going to end up being. That's about all for us right now!!!!! Talk to you all soon! Love you all!

Thursday, June 30, 2011


That's right the Wilson's are actually going to take some vacation time to be a family together! I'm so excited I can hardly wait. We have Hannah right now until August 8th and will be getting Jordan next week! Mark and I plan on spending some money and doing many different things with the kids! I sure hope we picked the right activities so that Jordan and Hannah have a really good time while Mark and I are off work. On to other things, Jordan finished and passed driver's education and she now is proud to have obtained a learner's permit. So she has asked if she could drive while she is with us in Wichita and, so that she can get experience, she will probably get to; at least a little bit. Jordan will also be taking tennis lessons this summer and I sure hope that goes well for her. Hannah is so far enjoying her time here with us. She has been here for a week and we have already been swimming like five maybe six times. The best thing of all is that she is here for a little while and Jordan is going to get to see and spend time with her! Hannah is happy to be moving into middle school next year, also. Mark's birthday is coming up and so we will be celebrating that while we have both kids. Mark couldn't ask for a better birthday present, to have both kids and time off to celebrate. I have been doing the same thing as always: school, work, and the occasional date night with Mark. I recently passed my TEAS test which is great because that means I'm one step closer to nursing school. I will finish my summer semester with, hopefully, an A and then be turning in my application to nursing school at WSU for the spring semester of 2012. Hopefully, I will get in that semester and be done with school, graduating with my bachelors, just four semesters later. I will hear back about whether I got in or not by mid October to early November. I will be sure to let all of you know! That pretty much catches everyone up! Love ya all, Eliora

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Jordan Graduation

It has been some time since I posted last but I think it's is time to catch up. To start we have now had two visits with Hannah flying in. Both visits have been good but it doesn't get much easier to say bye every time. Hannah is doing cross-country. She is in two accelerated class: Math and English. She is doing well up there. Jordan has been busy and has big changes coming her way this summer. She is taking drivers ed this summer. Everyone beware she is going to be driving in a short few months (scared face). Just kidding Jordan I think you will be a good driver. Also another big thing for Jordan is that she is graduating from the eighth grade this May. Her graduation is on May 23rd at 7pm in Hays of course. I wanted to let you all know in case any of you wanted to come. Nothing has really changed with Mark and I. He is still working to support me and the girls and I'm still going to school and working to help support our little family. Hope all is going well with everyone!!! LOVE YOU ALL!!!